Globalism: is it Good, is It Bad?

What is Globalism?

Globalism is defined as the operation or planning of economic and foreign policy on a global basis. In simple terms, it is how different countries in the world work together on a large scale to solve a problem or situation. The five terms that make up globalism are imperialism, nationalism, colonialism, militarism and isolationism. While we can date back and see globalism as early as the 1800s, we still see it all around us today. It is a key figure in many governments today.

Globalism: Good or Bad?

While many people have mixed feelings about globalism, I feel like it is very good and important. It is a very stable system and can be very good for new nations to get on their feet. It’s also good for the larger, more powerful nations stay on top and not get taken over by others. Globalism gets problems solved. Without it, we would be in a large mess, with everyone fighting. It would not be a pretty sight without it.

The Annexing of Hawaii, 1898

If we look back to the year 1898, we will be able to see an example of globalism in history with the great country named the United States of America. During this time, using little force, they were able to annex the Islands of Hawaii. This was an act of imperialism (one of the key factors in globalism) that proved to be a huge investment for the U.S. Hawaii had many much needed resources such as different tropical fruits and naval bases. Many citizens in the United States have a strong sense of militarism and adding the naval bases of Hawaii was a huge accomplishment for the U.S. Adding these bases gave them the ability to reach all of Asia and Europe. This minimized the threats from the other countries of this region.

Annexing Hawaii also gave the U.S. the ability to experience isolationism through nationalism. The people of the country loved their ways. America is a very peaceful nation and does not start conflict. With the threats from some of the larger countries in Asia out of the way, Americans gained the ability to stay to themselves. Staying to themselves gave them an even deeper sense of nationalism. People were happy and were truly living the American dream.

The Birth Of Another Agricultural Advancement: Drones

The picture above shows a Drone giving much needed help to a farmer, farming his crops

Are Drones the Future?

Drones are a huge advancement in technology and with time can become very critical for farmers when it comes to their agriculture. More and more farmers are leaning towards using drones every year, and most have found many benefits having these small unmanned aircrafts around. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) accepted their first permit for agricultural use of drones back in 2015. Farmers believe it will bring a great change into their field of work, whether it is working less tedious hours, or just making more profit.

The American Farm Bureau Federation estimates that farmers could see a return on investment of agriculture drones of $12 per acre for corn and $2 to $3 per acre for soybeans and wheat. For a farmer with a lot of acreage, that is a huge advancement. With the drones allowing them to get to more crops in a shorter amount of time, farmers should see profits go through the roof. Drones have the luxury of having cameras built in to them. Farmers can use those cameras to watch the crops. These cameras will show any predators threatening their crops and farmers can see what to look out for and what to warn off. It’s logical to assume farmers will be able to make more of a profit with these small aircrafts giving them a bird’s eye view.

Drones are very essential tools for anyone in the farming business. Imagine yourself as a farmer, having to plow acres and acres of crops with little to no help. Now imagine yourself as farmer, with drones helping you complete the tasks in less time and with less grueling effort put into it. It is safe to say you would like the help from the drones over the tedious work you have to complete in a day’s time. Drones are also needed on a farm to help the longevity of farmers. Without them, work can be very hard and demanding. Farmers are forced to work many, many hours just trying to put food on the table for their families. Over time, all that hard work will wear down a person and destroy their health. They need assets like drones to get the job done without killing their bodies.

It is safe to say the future of farming will be completed with the help of drones. The future is here and we need to embrace it. These much needed assets are becoming available to the public at a rapid pace. They are very reliable and will become every farmer’s best friend.

Biden will Win, but is that What’s Best for America?

The picture above shows Joe Biden at one of his earlier rallies, pre-COVID 19. After the pandemic started, Joe Biden decided to rally from a distant. The way he handled the situation in his rallies made people believe he will handle COVID-19 better than President Donald Trump.

Joe Biden is going to win the 2020 election. Of all the polls shown on RealClearPolitics, Joe Biden leads the majority of them. Biden is also leading in all polls shown for today, November 2, 2020, such as Wisconsin, where Biden has a +8 spread lead. It also shows that CNBC is giving Biden a +10 lead to win the entire election (Biden 52, Trump 42). Joe Biden will win the election due to the changes coming in this country. People want equality throughout and also want minimum wage to increase. A big push for Joe Biden will be his campaign’s support for the current movement, Black Lives Matter. During his first presidential debate, Joe called out president Trump saying, “This is a president who has used everything as a dog whistle to try to generate racist hatred, racist division (CNN Politics’ own Melissa Macaya, Veronica Rocha, Kyle Blaine, and Jessica Estepa/ First 2020 Presidential Debate) .” Another reason Joe Biden will win the 2020 presidential election is his current response to the coronavirus pandemic. As of today, RealClearPolitics shows on one poll that more people trust how Joe Biden will handle the pandemic. Many believe President Trump has not done enough to stop the spread of COVID-19. “If the President, the administration is not going to lead, that’s where the leadership has to come from, (Harvard Business Review’s Michael Maccoby/ Why People Follow the Leader: The Power of Transference)” says Ron Klain. People also like Biden’s push for higher taxes for people making over $400,000 a year and believes it will even out the money in America. “The basic Biden story is if you’re rich or if you’re a corporation, you’re going to pay more tax. If you’re middle-income or lower-income, you’ll pay either what you pay now, or you’ll pay less depending on your specific circumstances, (Market Watch’s Andrew Keshner/ What Trump and Biden tax policies could mean for your paycheck, tax return, investments and retirement savings)” said Howard Gleckman, senior fellow at the Tax Policy Center.

Donald Trump made massive strides as president. Above shows him becoming the first president to step foot in North Korea following the Korean war.

Joe Biden winning would be a very bad thing for this country. Trump believes in conservative ways, which most would say follows the bible more than socialist ideas. Through his four years as president, Donald Trump has proven he would like to lower taxes. Biden would try to raise them for the wealthy, and slowly raise taxes throughout all classes. Biden becoming president would increase gas prices to higher prices than we’ve ever seen. Biden wants everyone to stay at home through the pandemic. Trump wants to get the economy back on stable grounds. The economy is more important than staying at home. Without a great economy, a great country does not exist. Joe Biden’s campaign wants to defund the police. Defunding the police would increase crime to scary highs, almost to a point where we cannot control. There are many red flags that can come to mind when thinking of Joe Biden winning the 2020 election. All around, President Donald Trump is the best candidate for the election.

Score Bussey – Posted November 2, 2020

Oh No!! Danger Danger

Being in Danger is often a very scary thing. However, you can also turn danger fun!!

The Most Dangerous Game

The short story created by Richard Connell, “The Most Dangerous Game,” is about a man names Rainford who’s a hunter and is forced to be hunter by General Zaroff. Zaroff is a well known hunter who has lost his love and enjoyment for hunting animals. General Zaroff knows about Rainford from his hunting book, and decides he wants to hunt him instead. Rainford has to use his instincts and try to survive being hunted.

Can Fear be fun?

Have you ever wondered how the fear and eery feelings books and movies cause you while watching can translate into ur everyday life? In the article, “What Happens in the Brain When We Fear?” it talks about fear and how our brains handle it. People can go into fearful situations such as haunted houses, but know that someone is going to jump out at them and find it fun due to them knowing they are okay. Personally, I believe fear can be fun if you know what is okay and what is not. I feel like watching a scary movie can be very fun to watch because I know the characters on the show can’t come through the screen and hurt me. However, having a lion chasing after me would be very scary because I know I would not be okay. Like the article states, “When our “thinking” brain gives feedback to our “emotional” brain and we perceive ourselves as being in a safe space, we can then quickly shift the way we experience that high arousal state, going from one of fear to one of enjoyment or excitement.”

The Reformation: How it influenced religion and Real life Religious Conflicts We Face Today

What was the Reformation?

The Reformation occurred from 1517 to 1648. It was a major movement within Western Christianity that showed political and religious changes to the catholic church. Before this time, catholic churches were beginning to get away from teaching the bible. Popes started doing things such as having wives and kids that the church was strongly against their leaders doing. Religious leaders worried more about having more power than having more people follow their god’s word at the time. They were taxing the people and trying to convince people to buy indulgences as a way to buy themselves into heaven. Martin Luther became very upset by this and decided to write his ninety-fifth thesis going against the catholics developed beliefs. The pope decided to excommunicate him from the church. Excommunicating Martin Luther helped people see even more how corrupt the catholic church was and changes were made. The protestant church began.

Above Is a picture of the Great Martin Luther, who was nicknamed the father of the Reformation

What to do Now?

After the protestant church was formed, a lot of other churches were formed as well (The Church of England and others). There was a split within the people between the catholic churches and many protestant churches. Wars broke out between the people. Like what is happening in modern day Africa, religious leaders were killed along with many others. The creation of the printing press made bibles where they could be printed in varieties of languages. Changes were made and gave the government more power than the popes. Following the thirty year war between the two, in-came the Peace of Westphalia.

Attacks on Religion – TODAY

Many people are unaware of religion issues our world deals with today. Today, in modern day Western and Central Africa, religious leaders are being killed due to them not agreeing with the same beliefs as certain people and groups. Among this long list of religious leaders are Lawan Andimi and Imam of Djibo Souaisou Cisse. I believe everyone should have the right to have their own beliefs respectively. People need to know what happening in their world. Changes have to be made!

Families remember there fallen loved ones in Nigeria after Fulani attack.


3 Things You Need to Even Attempt to Become a Better Basketball Player

For all of you basketball players out there, have you ever thought about bettering your game? Many players want to improve their basketball skills but don’t have the support system around them to get there. With three simple steps, you can improve your basketball skills and impress your friends by looking like a whole new basketball player. Here’s how:

#1 Practice

There is no glory in practice, but without practice, there is no glory – unknown

Practice is a key component to help you improve your game. When you practice, you burn calories, build endurance, improve your balance and coordination, build muscle, and it helps you develop self-discipline skills. While doing all this, it also helps you improve your game to another level. Practicing with coaches and other players helps you build team chemistry. Practicing alone can help you with your shot selection, speed and your handling.

#2 Repetition

There is no substitute for attentive repetition – Daniel Coyle

Through repetition, a skill is practice is rehearsed over and over. Through that repetition, the skill gradually becomes easier after time. Another important factor in learning is the ability to make connections to knowledge you had learned before.

#3 Film

Watching film can help both ur offense and defense

Watching film can be a key component of improving your game. Many coaches often have their players watch film on the other team before a big game. This helps the team learn how the other team runs their offense. This will help better a players basketball skills due to them having knowledge about what other team might do; Obtaining this knowledge can help your defense. A lot of teams watch film on games they just played. This can help them see what they did right throughout the game, but also can help them pinpoint what to focus on in practice the upcoming week.

Essential Question

There are many different ways you can improve your basketball skills, it just takes the dedication to work for it. If you are not seeing the results you are hoping for, are you putting in the effort you believe you should?

Doodle and Brother- The Scarlet Ibis

Score Bussey

Love vs Pride & Acceptance vs Expectations

In The Scarlet Ibis, the author brings to our attention many different themes. Two of these themes are love vs pride and acceptance vs expectation. Though brother loves doodle, his pride keeps him for accepting doodle.

Pride can be a one way street to hurting those around us with no turning back.

In The Scarlet Ibis, the brother’s help that is given to doodle alternates between love and pride. He loves his brother dearly, yet he is ashamed to have a brother that cannot walk. He tries to make his brother walk and run and do things like other kids because he is ashamed of his brother. He loves his brother and tries to help him, but his pride of having a normal brother pushes doodle past his limit and he ends up running him to death.

Don’t blame people for disappointing you, blame yourself for expecting too much from them.

In this story, Brother’s expectations of having a brother keeps him from accepting doodle. He sees other kids with their siblings and thinks that to have a sibling, that sibling has to be like everyone else’s. He never accepts doodle as himself so he pushes him past his breaking point. If he had just accepted doodle for himself, he’d still have a brother there that would have loved him.

If you were in the brother’s shoes, what do you think he could have done differently? Would you have pushed doodle to do his best like brother did? How would you know what was too far before it was too late?

What could Brother have done differently? What would you do if you were in his shoes?